Another useful Add-in for Firefox from seobook.com. You can see useful market research data for the page you are browsing or in yahoo/google search results. You can enable or disable the extension by a single click(icon at statusbar) when it is not in use.
The extension provides below data :
* PR: (Google PageRank)
* Age: age pulled from Archive.org.
* Links: (Yahoo! linkdomain)
* .edu Link: (Yahoo! .edu linkdomain )
* .edu Page Link: (Yahoo! .edu link )
* .gov Link: (Yahoo! .gov linkdomain )
* Page Links: (Yahoo! link)
* del.icio.us: number of times a URL has been bookmarked on Del.icio.us.
* Technorati: an estimate of the total number of links to a site from blogs
* Alexa: rank based on website traffic .
* Cached: (Google site:)
* dmoz: listings at dmoz.org
* Bloglines: shows you how many people are subscribed to a particular blog via Bloglines.
* dir.yahoo.com: is a site listed in the Yahoo! Directory or not.
* WhoIs: makes it easy to look up the whois data for any site.
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