3 Column Blogger Template - Xtremeblogg

Here is my another 3 Column Blogger Template Xtremeblogg.  It is optimized for search engines and supports Adsense. Xtremeblogg is adapted from Wordpress theme designed by www.webrehash.com.

3 Column Blogger Template - Xtremeblogg 

Few settings you will require to change before using the template

a) Keywords and Description :  This will help search engines to find and categorize your bog quickly.

<meta content='to be fillerd' name='description'/>
<meta content='to be fillerd' name='keywords'/>

If you are not sure what it does you can search meta tags on Google and get information.

3 Column Blogger Template - Xtremeblogg

b) Menu item links : These are top menu item links you can change it by finding keyword “menu-wrapper”. Make sure you have checked “Expand Widget Templates” before search.

3 Column Blogger Template - Xtremeblogg

See live demo here    Download Xtremeblogg


ciobanu.nicolae2002@gmail.com said...

I used your theme on my blog http://thereallandofchoice.blogspot.com/ but it does not work properly. It's a shame because my friends and me love this theme. Please help. Contact me at ciobanu.nicolae2002[at]gmail[dot]com

AK said...

Heye buddy ..glad to know you are using my theme .... to fix the issue remove the "width:470px;" from the below code. Your header text is quite long that's why this problem came. I'll fix it in my template whenever I get time.

#header-inner {

Hope this helps ... :-)

Ringtone Nepal said...

The template is Xtreme Cool. I am using on my new blog Ringtone Nepal. Thanks for the template.

Anonymous said...

Very nice theme, but I've got a problem.
Search engine doesn't work.
What should I do?

seo backlinks said...

pretty nice template, i will use this thankss..

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