How to uninstall IE8 on Windows XP

How to uninstall IE8 on Windows XP from Command Line

Command to uninstall IE8 from command line

This time you need not to worry if you want to switch back to older version of IE6 or IE7. You will find IE8 in add/remove programs list. To Uninstall IE8 from command line you need to execute below from command prompt:

If you are not a technical person or feel uncomfortable using command lineTo remove Internet Explorer 8 automatically, You can use a free tool from Microsoft, click the Fix this problem link. Then click Run in the File Download dialog box, and follow the steps in this wizard.
After uninstall you must restart the system to avoid any unexpected errors.


yammie said...

really helpful...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. I was getting a "microsoft feeds error" after running a repair and couldn't login to Windows until I activated Windows. I needed to remove IE8 to fix the error and I could only get into safe mode with a command prompt where I was able to follow your instuctions, remove IE8, and activate Windows. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

This works perfectly.

jitendra said...

i was not able to remove ie8 from control pannel bcoz remove button was not apprearing ..

this command really help me to remove it

ie8 is a waste

williamc said...

After you uninstall Internet Explorer 8, you may notice Application event log errors after each restart. To resolve this problem, delete the following Internet Explorer User Accelerators and Internet Explorer Machine Accelerators registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions:

Anonymous said...

I was successfully able to uninstall, thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

As the man said:
works for me

Anonymous said...

Yes you need to uninstall the default IE8 for windows XP. Partly true as you will need IE9 to be bug free. According to internet entrepreneur, IE9 offers much more secured cookie trails.

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